Wednesday, November 21, 2012

There are Three Golf Balls Sitting on the Moon

During the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, Alan shepherd hit three golf balls on the Moon leaving them there for all eternity.

The only sport that has made its way to the Moon is golf and no, it doesn’t mean that golf is played by aliens. On February 6, 1971, Alan shepherd landed on the moon along with his fellow astronauts. It was the Apollo 14 mission and Alan was destined to do something different on the moon. He used the six- iron (which was used to collect contingency samples) to hit the golf balls.
When Alan placed the first golf ball on the surface of the moon and hit it, the ball 
moved ahead by less than a meter. His second swing was even worse than before as he totally missed the ball. On the third attempt, he managed to send the ball forward by about 200 yards and finally, on the last attempt he smashed the ball 400 yards away.

According to Alan there is lot of sand on the surface of the moon so he couldn’t hit the balls far enough. It was the third manned landing on the Moon with Alan Shepard, Stewart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell onboard. Alan later in a radio interview claimed that there are only two balls on moon while the NASA official website claims that there are three balls on the moon.
So whatever the truth maybe, it doesn’t matter whether there are two balls or three; it’s the insane rarity of the incident that’s all so astounding.

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